Voices of Her Own, Issue 8

Building a Community of Care

What is a community? We asked our Space of Her Own (SOHO) fifth graders this question, and they worked together to come up with the following definitions: What is a community? We asked our Space of Her Own (SOHO) fifth graders this question, and they worked together to come up with the following definitions:

SOHO strives to provide a community of care that is supportive, kinds, diverse, and
educational for each of our extraordinary girls, their families, and their mentors. We would
not be able to do this without the larger community of care provided by amazing

We are hopeful that the community of care surrounding our girls at SOHO will in turn encourage them to care for others. How will they do this? Read more to meet our newest mentor/mentee pairs and learn how SOHO girls plan to be heroes in their community!

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