Voices of Her Own, Issue 7

Voices of Her Own Issue 7

Thank you, Alexandria Community!

Mentoring programs across the City of Alexandria have determined four key areas within the 40 Developmental Assets to collectively target to empower our youth. Among these four focal points is ensuring that all youth feel they are valued by their community. 

The Alexandria community has provided immeasurable support to SOHO in a variety of ways, some more visible than others. On average, our volunteer mentors each dedicate about 200 hours during the intensive first program year for 5th graders. They are consistent, enthusiastic, compassionate, empowering, patient, and incredible role models for our girls. SOHO works to develop new community partnerships each year. Our partnerships range from a few months to 20+ years. Each provides new experiences that expose SOHO girls to the diverse opportunities in our community. Our donors enable us to provide weekly sessions with nutritious meals and fun art and STEM projects, as well as end-of-year space transformations that offer each girl a space to call her own.

Thanks to the investment the Alexandria community has made in our program, SOHO continues to build lifelong skills, foster positive relationships, and provide unforgettable experiences for our girls. 

This issue of our Voices of Her Own Magazine highlights a few of the many individuals and organizations that have played a part in shaping our program and ensuring our youth feel valued by those around them as they embark on the adventure of a lifetime!


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