

april 25 – There’s still time!


Space of Her Own is gearing up for Spring2ActionWednesday, April 25, 2018 – Alexandria’s Giving Day!

SOHO will be participating in the online campaign for the 7th year in a row, and we’ve set our biggest goal yet:

The Mason Hirst Foundation has generously offered to match donations dollar for dollar up to $15,000 towards our $35,000 Spring2Action goal!

We can use all the support we can get! We’re hoping that all members of our SOHO family will join in to help us achieve our goal.

Here are some resources to help you spread the word.


Our fundraising Page:

Our GiveGab page: https://www.spring2action.org/organizations/space-of-her-own-inc-soho
Our bitly (short link): http://bit.ly/SOHOS2A (All CAPS “SOHOS2A”)


**calling all mentors**

One way that mentors can fundraise is to get their friends, family or employers to match dollars for volunteer hours. Did you know that the average mentor volunteers at least 200 hours during the initial SOHO year?! Money raised will go towards this spring’s room transformations.

We ask that each mentor try to raise $200. All money donated will count towards SOHO’s overall goal of $15,000.

*Remember: donations can be made starting today!


Social Media:

Here are some sample messages we’d like you to use on your social media between now and Spring2Action Day– April 25!

  • Give where you live – invest in Alexandria’s girls! Donate @  http://bit.ly/SOHOS2A  & join me in supporting @spaceofherown #Spring2ACTion
  • Girls with dreams become women with vision – Invest in SOHO’s girls. Donate @  http://bit.ly/SOHOS2A  & help me support @spaceofherown #Spring2ACTion
  • Stronger together – Join me by April 25 for #Spring2ACTion, a community-wide day of giving, as I raise $$$ for @spaceofherown http://bit.ly/SOHOS2A  #Spring2Action
  • For the past [months/years] I have been a mentor for SOHO. [insert personal sentence about Mentee]. We are trying to rally funds through the April 25 Spring2Action – an online fundraising event that offers local nonprofits the chance to raise thousands of dollars for the benefit of the local community. So far I’ve donated at least [XXX – mentors donate at least 200 hours during the SOHO year] hours of volunteer time and I’m hoping you’ll help me match it dollar for hour – Will you join me in supporting SOHO? http://bit.ly/SOHOS2A  #Spring2Action
  • Your donation has SUPER powers! Your donation will be generously MATCHED dollar for dollar up to $15,000 by The Mason Hirst Foundation! http://bit.ly/SOHOS2A  #Spring2Action
  • Today is the day! My goal is to raise XXX  by April 25 for @spaceofherown! Will you join me? http://bit.ly/SOHOS2A  #Spring2Action


Sample email message:

(note: Please do not use the last names of your mentees or any personal/private information about them or their families.)

Dear Friends & Family,

Developmental research has proven that one caring adult in a vulnerable child’s life increases the likelihood that she will flourish and become a productive adult. I’ve been mentoring with the Space of Her Own program for [months/years] now, and I know firsthand the confidence and inspiration a child can gain from the encouragement of an invested adult. My mentee has been an inspiration to me: [give example of how mentee is inspiration].

[insert photo of you and your mentee]

I am campaigning with the rest of the SOHO mentors to rally funds through Spring2Action, an online fundraising event that offer local nonprofits the chance to raise thousands of dollars to benefit the local community. This year, the Mason Hirst Foundation has offered to match the money we raise dollar for dollar up to $15,000. 

SOHO serves predominately minority and immigrant girls, all of whom come from low-income families and are referred by school teachers, social workers or guidance counselors.  They are identified as in need of pro-social and academic skill development and also in need of positive adult role models. Most SOHO girls live in overcrowded, under-furnished homes, store their clothes in trash bags or plastic bins, and sleep on old, worn or stained mattresses. Some share a room with multiple family members; others sleep on a couch in the living room.

I have the personal goal of raising $200, that’s a dollar for every hour I volunteer throughout the SOHO school year. Your donation will go towards the cost of [insert Mentee’s name] room transformation. Will you help me meet my goal and help change the outcome of a vulnerable child’s future?

The deadline is April 25, 2018. Please visit https://www.spring2action.org/organizations/space-of-her-own-inc-soho to make your Spring2Action donation today. Make sure to include my name when making your donation.

Thank you in advance!

[Your name]


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Please join us to mix, mingle and celebrate April 25 anytime between 5:30 and 8:00. The event is hosted by AR Workshop Alexandria and will be held at 107 N. Fairfax Street. Enjoy sips, sweets, small bites and a complimentary wood take-home project! This is a FREE event, all adults welcome – including men! We hope to see you there!

